Le groupe de Télécom MTN en tête des entreprise Africaine.
Encore une preuve, s’il en fallait une, que les télécoms et les NTIC sont le moteur du développement économique en Afrique.
L’opérateur télécoms sud africain MTN est l’unique marque africaine présente dans le classement 2013 des 100 marques mondiales les plus puissantes (BrandZ Top 100-Most Valuable Global Brands 2013) publié le 21 mai par l’Institut d’études et de conseil stratégique spécialisé dans la marque et la communication Millward Brown.
Le groupe MTN, qui arrive au 79ème rang, gagne neuf places par rapport au classement BrandZ Top 100 réalisé en 2012.
L’opérateur, dont la valeur financière augmenté de 23%, à 11,40 milliards de dollars, est entré pour la première fois dans le classement des marques mondiales les plus puissantes en 2012.
Dans le classement de cette année, les marques technologiques dominent le haut du tableau. Apple est N°1, suivi par Google et IBM. Microsoft occupe la 7ème place et amazon.com est en 14ème position. Yahoo se trouve au bas du tableau (92ème) tandis que Samsung et Facebook sont respectivement 30ème et 31ème.
Le « BrandZ Top 100-Most Valuable Global Brands» est le seul classement qui prend en compte à la fois l’évaluation financière des marques et les avis des consommateurs sur les produits.
A noter que MTN compte plus de 200 millions d’abonnés en Afrique, Asie et Moyen-Orient. L’opérateur est leader dans son domaine dans 70% des 22 pays dans lesquels il est implanté.
Thierry Barbaut
Focus sur MTN
MTN has again emerged head and shoulders above its peers on the continent, topping the list as the highest ranked African brand in the prestigious Millward-Brown Brandz Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2013 survey, released today.
This year’s listing shows that MTN moved up an impressive nine places to position 79th, with an overall increase in brand value of 23%. MTN debuted at position 88 in the survey last year. A leading emerging market mobile operator, and one of the world’s largest, MTN is again the only African brand in the 2013 survey.
“The Millward-Brown BrandZ Top 100 Global Brands 2013 listing is particularly exciting and timely, as we embark on our new vision to lead the delivery of a bold, new Digital World to our customers,” says Jennifer Forrester, Executive for Group Marketing, MTN.
Developed by leading research agency, Millward Brown Optimor, BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands is the only brand rankings that include consumer data as a component element in arriving at the brand value. The rankings survey over 150 000 people around the world.
Forrester adds: “MTN is particularly proud of this accolade because the listing recognises that for a global brand to connect with its consumers, it needs to reflect them. Consumers want to see themselves in the brands they admire. They want to see that a brand, local or global, understands them, and knows what they want and need. As MTN, this is further acknowledgement that we are on the right track with our on-going efforts to enhance customer experience in our various touch-points in the markets. To this end, we pledge to continue with our quest to make the lives of our customers a whole lot brighter.”
With nearly 200 million subscribers across Africa, Asia and the Middle East, MTN is a market leader in 70% of the 22 countries where we operate.
“We owe this recognition to the commitment and loyalty of our customers to the MTN brand. This accolade gives us even more zest in our endeavour to fulfil our new vision,” concludes Forrester.
Launched towards the end of 2012, MTN’s new vision, mission and strategy better addresses customers’ needs, putting them at the centre of our efforts as a business. Among other, the new strategy offers a more comprehensive range of offerings.
– Issued by MTN Group Corporate Affairs
About the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands Ranking
Developed for WPP’s operating companies by Millward Brown Optimor, the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking is now in its sixth year. It is the only study to combine measures of brand equity based on interviews with over 2 million consumers globally about thousands of global “consumer facing” and business-to-business brands with a rigorous analysis of the financial and business performance of each company (using data from Bloomberg and Kantar Worldpanel) to separate the value that brand plays in driving business revenue and market capitalization. Consumer perception of a brand is a key input in determining brand value because brands are a combination of business performance, product delivery, clarity of positioning, and leadership. The ranking takes into account regional variations since, even for truly global brands, measures of brand contribution might differ substantially across countries.
About the MTN Group
Launched in 1994, the MTN Group is a leading emerging market operator, connecting subscribers in 22 countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The MTN Group is listed on the JSE Securities Exchange in South Africa under the share code: “MTN.” As of 31 March 2013, MTN recorded 195.4 million subscribers across 22 countries. Visit us at www.mtn.com , www.mtnbusiness.com , www.mtnmmo.com and for our football fans www.mtnfootball.com.
For more information, please contact:
Silvanus Mabaso on +27 83 222 7613 or Silvanus.Mabaso@mtn.com
Zinhle Dlamini on +27 83 212 9436 or Dlamini.Zinhle@mtn.com